Handling of petroleum products

Company NCC & PO was founded in 1993. The main activities of the company are: handling of light and clear petroleum products, including services at the bonded warehause. Since November, 2002, we started the storage of gasoline and petrochemical products.

The tank capacity consists from 15 tanks with total volume 12 500 m3. 11 out of this quantity have been put into operation in 1997 - 2000 , taking into consideration the latest requirements, including the one's concerning environment protection.

- 12 oiltankwagons can be discharged at the defueling area at a time.
- Handling capacity - 200 m3/per hour.
- Output area - for 7 trucks.
- Output capacity - 100 m3/per hour.
- Own custom warehouse

The modern technical equipments, own custom warehouse and experienced staff make possible to offer a client personal and professional services.

Lao 14, 74114 Maardu, Estonia
Ph.: (372) 6 215 830
E-mail: nccpo@nccpo.ee
Terminal ph.: (372) 6 006 091
Fax: (372) 6 006 034